



















JPK32 (Command) (Switchers) (Archive) [(Destianation)] [(FileName)

a : add (or update) files from directory (and subdir) to archive with paths

...............JPK32 a (Switches) (ArchiveName) (WildcardFileName)

b : add (or update) files from directory (and subdir), without paths
e : extract files from archive without paths
x: : extract files with paths
d : delete files from archive
u : update files
r : rename file from archive to NewFileName
l : list archive files
m : merge split archive (files)
s [-@(SizeInByte)]: split file (default size 1456000 bytes)

Destination path: destination path must specified for extract command ((e),(x)), for current directory use "." character

-m : add files (a),(b),
use maximum compression level
-d : add files (a),(b), use default compression level
-f : add files (a),(b), use fastest compression level
-h : add files (a),(b), without hidden files
-s : add files (a),(b), without system files
-r : add files (a),(b), without read only files
-i : list archive file (l), without information of file sizes
-o : refresh only same or older files, for add, update, extract commands
-w(FileName) :without files (FileName) (add,extract,list,delete,update)
-$(Folder) : extract (x)(e), files behind (Folder) directory and subpaths
-#(LowLevelSubDirNumber) : add (a)(b) or extract (x)(e) files from max.low level subdirectory
-p(password) : password specification (password allowed chars: 0..9, A..z, _, -

jpk32 a aaa \db\*.* (add all files and subdir_files from "db" with paths)

jpk32 a -s aaa "c:\program files\*.*"
(add no system files) jpk32 a #0 aaa c:\db\*.dbf (add "dbf" files from "db" without subdir_files

jpk32 a -w*.hlp aaa *.*
(add all files without "*.hlp" files)

jpk32 b aaa *.* (add all files (and subdir_files) without paths)
jpk32 e aaa backup\ (extract without paths)
jpk32 e aaa backup\ *.dbf (extract "*.dbf" files to "backup" directory)
jpk32 x aaa backup\ (extract with paths)
jpk32 l aaa *.dbf (list archive files)
jpk32 d aaa \db\*.dbf (delete "dbf" files from archive)
jpk32 r aaa \path\OldFileName, \path\NewFileName (rename file)
jpk32 s x.dat (split "x.dat" file to the files with default size 1456000 bytes
jpk32 m x.dat (merging split files "x.dat" (x.dat1,x.dat2...))